
And Off He Goes

Carter graduated from preschool this week. The kids put on a short program to demonstrate all the songs and poems that they've learned this year,
and then they received diplomas from their teacher, Mrs. Sherryn. Mrs. Sherryn was Haley's preschool teacher as well and we adore her.
I thoroughly enjoyed the entire program until the very end when all of the kids waved goodbye while singing a goodbye song, and at that point I may or may not have gotten a little verklempt. I don't remember what the real words to the song were because all I heard was, "So long, Mom! I'm off to big-kid school, and I'm not looking back!"But all in all it was a very nice morning. And now Carter is so excited for kindergarten that he asks me every single day how many days are left until school starts. Can't we just enjoy summer first?P.S. when I told Mrs. Sherryn how much Carter has enjoyed this year she replied, "Yeah, when I could keep the girls off him!" So I may have to have a little chat with him to get to the bottom of that one.


Unknown said...

Oh, I am losing Rachel to Kindergarten too. Ummm. . . but I can't say I am too emotional about it. She is almost six. It's about time. Carter is super cute.

Kate said...

I know! The twins will be almost six by the time they go to kindergarten ... I think I'll be skipping all the way to school that day. I'm actually excited for Carter. It will be good for him to spend time someplace where life doesn't revolve around his brothers.