
Disaster Averted

Definitely not one of my finer parenting moments, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do! (I'm pretty sure Adam was in an actual sugar-induced coma when this shot was taken.)


Petersons said...

Yeah, well we are naughty and shared our caffeinated beverages w/ Claire, ya know, just a little through the straw. Now she goes NUTS if she see's us drinking something and thinks she has to have it. I've gotta post a clip of it really!
Hey...whatever works. Really I don't buy alot of crap at home, so when we go to family parties and stuff, my kids act like sugar freaks and I know everyone thinks I let them eat whatever, but that's why they do it, b/c I never really keep stuff at home!

Lindsey said...

I'm with Amber. I don't really buy a lot of sugar snacks to keep at the house so when I go out to the store or anything I keep several Dum-Dum or Tootsie Pop suckers in my purse to pacify Scarlett. She's in heaven!

And those boys just get cuter and are looking more grown up every day!!

Unknown said...

A couple of days ago I let my kids buy those big movie boxes of candy from Walmart and we bought Popsicles and Dreamcicles at the same time. The clerk actually made fun of me. That was almost all I had in my cart. .. so I guess I can understand.