
Serves Me Right

Last night Chris' nephew Trevor graduated from high school. Knowing that Trevor's high school is quite large and knowing that my boys would never, ever sit quietly through a graduation ceremony of that magnitude, I asked my mom to watch the boys so we could enjoy the evening in peace.

But if I truly wanted to enjoy the ceremony in peace, I should have know better than to sit in front of Mari and Haley. I learned two things last night:
  1. It takes approximately 50 minutes to award diplomas to a graduating class of nearly 700.
  2. Mari and Haley can do this, without interruption, for approximately 50 minutes:


ottspot said...

Oh that gave me flashbacks to Mollie's BYU graduation in the Marriott Center. I learned that it takes 120 minutes to award diplomas to the colleges of family and social sciences or whatever it was...plus 45 minutes of speeches before. And I had the boys with me. Shudder.

Unknown said...

Kids can just make any event more. . . eventful. I miss you. We need to see eachother again soon. :) It's summer. I will have to come down and we can just hang out. I will find a day and get back to you.