
Lindsay & Ryan

My little Ninny-Poop got married yesterday! It was an absolutely perfect day.Chris and I figured, hey, we'll all be dressed up nicely. Let's try and get a family portrait taken since our last one is so old! Today I'm laughing at our stupidity. But let's see: which picture do you think we should frame above our mantle?

Option A: the one in which everybody is squinting and some of us are in the shadowsOption B: the one in which everybody is squinting, some of us are in the shadows, and some of us are screamingOption C: the one in which some of us want to go back outside, some of us are screaming, and all of us need a napor Option D: the one in which some of us want to go back outside, some of us are screaming, all of us need a nap, and one of us is laughing maniacally to keep herself from sobbing
On to happier pictures.

Carter and Haley wanted to go inside the temple and Chris told them they could ... if they could get the door open. They pulled on it long enough that I started to think we should get their IQs tested.Mom & Dad with Linz. I think Lindsay has dethroned Ryan as the favorite in our family. Sorry, Ry.My sister is the most photogenic person I know, except that she blinks in pictures ... a lot. It's kind of a problem.
I think this picture is hilarious, but I seem to be the only one. I don't know what it is. The way Cam & Lindsay look like they're the newlyweds? The way Ryan is practically sitting on the steps behind him so he can be as short as the rest of us? Or the way I'm laughing like a lunatic at Ryan and his crouching?
The only portion of the day during which the twins behaved themselves (I'm not exaggerating) was the luncheon. And that was because Ryan's genius mom Shelly put bags of candy at each of the kids' seats. I let my kids eat candy for lunch yesterday. And I don't regret it one bit.
The boys pulled a lot of flowers at the reception. I felt bad, except that when they were pulling flowers they weren't screaming. Please don't tell on us.Oh sure, now they'll smile.My family ate a canned-foods-only diet for two days to make this car possible. If we die this weekend, somebody have the coroner check for BPA.The sparkling send-off. We're so happy to have Ryan in our family and wish him and Lindsay a lifetime of happiness!


Unknown said...

Now katie, I am shocked that you didn't bring skittles in your pocket for those pictures. That's how we get our kids to smile and behave for pictures. "Just smile this last time and i will give you a skittle." It generally works. . . generally. Congrats Lindsay. You are a super cute girl. . . I mean woman. Good luck learning the fine art of training a husband. It's almost more difficult than training children.

lisa said...

WAHOOO! way to go lindsay! she looked absolutely gorgeous! and, even with squirmy kiddlets, your family is stunning as well katie!

ps.... i am still laughing at that picture that carter drew of the bum :)

Jessica and Reece said...

It was so fun to see you and your adorable kiddos at the wedding! You look fantastic, as always. And yes, Linds and Cam look like the newlyweds in that photo :)

Unknown said...

I love that your sister had red shoes on... She looked beautiful! You looked great too! Yeah... family pictures... We tried that on mother's day. They didn't turn out. Oh well...

romanrobertaloftus said...

I keep forgetting to sign out from my other e-mail account. Sorry! Last comment was mine.

Scott, Mandi and the boys said...

You should have me do them and we will get perfect lighting...Got a spring special for $75 for 40-45 edited proofs with copyright!