
Leaving So Soon?

Seriously guys, how is summer over already? I swear this was the shortest summer ever. Haley and Carter started school back on the 18th and so far they love it.

Chris and I did a tube-float down the Provo river with some of our very favorite friends a few weeks ago. It was fun but the water was fuh-reezing. If I hadn't worn my full suit I probably would have cried the entire trip down the river.
Other than that we've had a very low-key end of summer, spending most of our time in the backyard. I swear, that underground trampoline is the best investment we've ever made. For an impressive example of multi-tasking at its finest, enlarge the picture and zoom in on Drew (black shirt). Remember when Carter couldn't pull himself away from his cookie? Apparently this cookie was just as tasty. Drew gives a whole new meaning to the phrase in-flight snack.This is a new activity that the twins love: blowing bubbles in bowls of dish soap. Their speech therapists did this with the boys a few weeks ago and the twins have been obsessed with it ever since. Don't ask me how blowing bubbles with straws is supposed to help a kid talk, because my answer will be "I have no freaking idea."On the last Monday evening of summer, we held our First Annual Konold Family Back to School Feast (thanks for the idea, Nie). We had my very favorite summer dinner: grilled steak, corn on the cob, and stuffed baked potatoes. Mmm-mmm-mmm. Don't make fun of my crowns; I whipped them up in like three seconds because I didn't decide to do a Back to School Feast until about 45 minutes before dinner. After dinner we did the annual start of the school year father's blessings, so it was a lovely evening and a fun way to bring summer to a close.And of course, the First Day of School picture. I love this picture even though it's out of focus because it shows off a bit of the 'tude Carter is copping lately. I don't know what's come over him, but I think this tough guy act of his is pretty funny. He even got pulled out of his soccer game last Saturday for intimidating players on the other team. Twice when kids stole the ball from him, Carter gave them the stink eye and pointed at them like, "I'm watching you." It was hilarious. Until he got pulled, and then I was peeved. (At the coach, not at Carter.)Here's a delightful video of Carter talking about his first day of Kindergarten. I made a video of Haley too, but I don't think she'd appreciate me sharing it because she was very tired and 100% not in the mood to make a video. P.S. I forgot how boring the end of this video clip is. Once Carter gets distracted with shoving his paper in the cracks of the table, you might as well stop watching.

And now we're back in the swing of school, carpools, soccer practices, soccer games, speech therapy, piano lessons, and homework. How many more weeks until summer break 2011?


Ryan and Lindsay said...

I love that Carter is in his Spider Man costume while jumping on the tramp. No wonder he has a tough guy attitude... he gets it from Spider Man!

Lindsey said...

What a cute post! Love the school uni's...can't believe Carter is in Kindergarten, because I guess that means Deacon is next. Carter looks so much like his dad in that video.

Also, I hope the A & D are doing well in Speech! The blowing bubbles thing (if I remember correctly) is to help them with using their tongue to make words. I was skeptical too when they did it with Deacon.

ottspot said...

I am planning to do a back to school feast too! Or at least, I was trying to convince myself that it wouldn't make me lame to totally copy someone's blog. Now I will just say I got the idea from someone in my ward. (oops! former ward...just caught that before I hit submit. lame) :-)