

And here we are again ... time for another lame-o, where-did-the-time-go-here's-what-we've-been-up-to post.  I do apologize for the quality of this blog lately; I'm pretty sure I've been experiencing a year-long bout of writer's block.  I'll read back over some of these posts and I feel like I should give my diploma back.  But anyway ...

Adam & Drew Start Preschool
Because the twins have been diagnosed with isolated speech delay they qualify for our school district's preschool.  They love it.  They get to ride the school bus every morning which is pretty much the highlight of their lives. 
On the last day of school before Thanksgiving break all of the classes joined together to put on a production of The Little Red Hen.  Sounds cute, right?  So we invited the grandparents and Lindsay, and then Adam and Drew cried almost the entire time.  Oh, and the whole show only lasted about 15 minutes, which was less time than it took my family to drive there.

I tried to hide from the boys because I knew if they saw me it would be all over.  But wearing my bright red coat was not exactly the best wardrobe choice for staying incognito.  And that's how I ended up onstage with Adam on my lap.

We hosted Thanksgiving at our home this year with all of these lovely Konolds (minus Kayleen).
I didn't take any pictures of the festivities, but it looked something like this.
Just kidding.  The real reason I didn't take any pictures is that I was too busy over-cooking the turkey.  After two turkeys in a row with raw centers, I left this one in the oven longer than I thought I should and so our Thanksgiving looked more like this:
 This Thanksgiving I was grateful for gravy, for without it we might not have been able to get that bird down.

First Snow
About a week after the infamous blizzard that wasn't we got an actual storm.  The kids spent the majority of their time sliding down the slopes of the trampoline pit.  Seriously, who knew that thing would provide year-round entertainment?

So that, in a nutshell, was our November.  And now December is upon us and all I want for Christmas is my brain.


lisa said...

i heard target had great deals on brains during black friday... somehow i missed out on that sale too...

ottspot said...

Your hair looks adorable in the picture on the stage in your red coat - it is kind of curly? Cute! Random comment - but hey, if you have to be up on stage you might as well look good doing it!

Ryan and Lindsay said...

That picture of the boys looking out the window is so cute! And, I thoroughly enjoyed the play. Thanks for letting me come. :) I love your kiddos so much.

Jen and Alec said...
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