
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Haley often enters coloring contests around town, and this month her determination paid off:

Her prize was a 30-second shopping spree during which she could fill her basket with all the Christmas candy she could grab!

Spree from Kate on Vimeo.
And while more candy is not exactly what we need around here, we've all been enjoying her spoils.
 Way to go, Haley!


Lindsey said...

I think you have my address. You can tell Haley to send all the Skittles to me!!! :) Can you imagine how many bags of Skittles I could acquire in 30 seconds? I wonder if they have an age limit on coloring contests...?

Just joshin'. But seriously, congratulations Haley! That is a beautiful coloring job you did!

Ryan and Lindsay said...

Good Job, Haley! I laughed out loud when Chris told her to take the candy after the time was over! HA HA HA!

Unknown said...

Too awesome. Way to go Haley. :)

Petersons said...

I love how composed she was during the whole thing! I thought she'd be running around grabbing random bags of everything. She's so cute!

Wendy said...

That's awesome! Congrats Haley. I love how she took her time choosing just the right candy.

Jen and Alec said...

I think my favorite part of that was hearing Chris coach her. I don't think I could watch my own kid do it without going crazy. Eric would get distracted and end up with a bag of lame life savers.