
I Ain't 'Fraid a No Ghost (Well, Maybe a Little)

I'll admit it:  I'm a 'fraidy cat.  I was blessed and cursed with an overactive imagination, and therefore do not under any circumstances watch horror movies.  In fact, I can't even watch commercials for horror movies because I can completely freak myself out for weeks based on the images in a 30-second movie trailer.  (To illustrate:  when the movie "The Ring" - which I most certainly did not see - was in theaters, I scared myself silly one night when Chris was in the bathroom brushing his teeth.  My thoughts went something like this:  Huh.  The light shining through the bathroom door frame looks just like the "Ring" movie poster, only rectangular.  ... How freaky would it be if I looked over and the girl from "The Ring" was standing in my doorway? ... HOLY CRAP THE GIRL FROM "THE RING" IS STANDING IN MY DOORWAY!  And then I probably hid under my covers.)

Aaaaanyway ... it should go without saying that, when I discovered real live spooks in my house last week, I was relieved to find that they were more of the Casper the Friendly Ghost variety.

Ghosties from Kate on Vimeo.


Lindsey said...

I'm glad that you clarified that they were ghosts and not KKK guys. Whew. But those are the cutest little ghosts ever!

Gotta go. Scarlett says she wants to watch it again.... :)

Kate said...

Ha ha Linz, I was going to say something about that, but I didn't want my blog to come up in any Google searches of that term. :D

Jen and Alec said...

I am with you. We did see 'The Ring' and haven't watched a scary movie since then (unless you count 'Tron'). Man, those boys are cute.

We can do hard things! said...

So many fun posts! I haven't visited for a while! I am totally like you. I can't tell you how many times I have woken up Jeff to tell him there was a noise because of my over active imagination! I close my eyes when there are scary commercials on the TV...haha!

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

phew! glad they were playing ghosts cuz at first glance I thought you happened upon a klan meeting