
Pretty Much the Cutest Thing Ever

Adam and Drew had (another) epic battle the other night.  I won't bore you with the details, but it started with Drew stealing Adam's Thomas the Train out of a mailing tube that they were using as a tunnel and ended with Adam swinging for the fences, using said tube as a bat and Drew's face as the ball.  Adam smacked Drew square in the mouth and split his lip in two places.  (How many split lips have I treated in the last six years?  One of the many perks of having sons, I guess.) So, I sat Drew on the counter and dabbed his lip with a wet paper towel until it stopped bleeding.  After a few kisses to make it better, he was on his way.

Later that night as I was putting the boys to bed, Drew walked up to me and said, "Hug me, please."  I sat on the floor and Drew threw his arms around my neck and said, "Thank you so much!  Put paper on my mouth ouchie." I'll tell you what: I'll dab a thousand split lips if I can get a "Thank you" like that every once in a while!


Jen and Alec said...

What a sweet story. That is the only way to stay sane as a mother, to appreciate those moments. Also, thank you for your post about FHE. I'm so glad to know that we are not the only ones who struggle with that and that even great moms are allowed meltdowns. I feel so validated.

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

how fun you guys are going. eric nad i might try to as well