
Party All the Time

Haley turned nine last week and enjoyed a solid week of partying!  We kicked off the festivities with a birthday cake from Grandma & Grandpa on Sunday (which she shared with Kallie, whose birthday is three days before Haley's).
Haley's birthday was on Monday, and as luck would have it, she and Carter didn't have school that day.  Haley woke up to a decorated door,
 and then she got to go shopping with Grandma to pick out her birthday gift. That afternoon my mom and I took the kids to see "Tangled".  Adam and Drew have been to the movies before and did fine, but that day they decided that they absolutely did not want to go into that movie theater ("It's too loud!").  After we wrestled with the screaming, writhing boys for about 20 minutes, my mom was a trooper and took them home so the big kids and I could stay for the movie.  And to think, I was about to take the kids by myself!  I don't know what I would have done had my mom not been there.  Probably sat on the floor and cried.

That evening we had a Haley's Choice dinner (potato bar) and Hales got to talk to Grandpa Konold on the phone.
 Then we had a little baby cake (from the leftover batter from her party cake) so she could blow out candles on her actual birthday.

Saturday was the day of the big Mad Hatter Tea Party.
The plan was to have a garden party in the back yard, but apparently Spring is stuck in traffic somewhere because she still has yet to show up.  So we had to move the party inside because of the cold but still had a really great time.   The girls played croquet (until their toes froze, anyway), decorated mad tea hats,
 and got Glitter Toes pedicures.
Finally we had tea.  Or in this case, blue Kool-Aid.  (Yes, the Martha balls are back.  Cheap + Easy = You bet I'm gonna ride that pony to death.)
 After lunch we opened presents
 and had some cake and ice cream.

Happy Birthday from Kate on Vimeo.

Thanks to all of the girls who came and shared Haley's birthday with her!  Haley has the best little friends and they really helped make her birthday special. 
Top to bottom: Katy, Tatyana, Camille, Annika, Haley, Abby, Avery, Lucy and Mari.

Also thanks to my lovely assistants.  :)

We're so lucky to have Haley in our family for a million reasons, but especially because:
  1. She's so responsible.  She is one busy little girl, but she gets everything done on time, well, and without complaint.
  2. She is a spiritual giant.  You should hear this girl bear her testimony in church.  She has the whole ward talking about her afterward because it's just beautiful.  
  3. She is the best big sister three little boys could ask for.  She always puts them first and goes out of her way to entertain them with fun games and activities.
  4. She plays piano beautifully and has written two songs by herself.  One is called "The Reluctant Bear", and one is a song that she wrote for me that brought me to tears!
  5. She's a very good friend.  She never speaks unkindly about anybody and goes out of her way to be a friend to those who need one.  
  6. She's a great storyteller and writer. 
  7. She works hard at being obedient and making others happy.
  8. She's unselfish.  She'll put anybody else's needs before her own without thinking twice.
  9. She's active and loves to have fun.  She's brave and will try anything once.
Happy birthday Peanut!  We love you so much!


Petersons said...

Darling! What a cute party...and I'm loving the glitter toes, and the martha balls. I'm all about riding ponies to death :)
Oh, and the flippin cute cake! I could envision the twins throwing a fit in the movies and had to giggle. Why do kids have to be such knuckle heads sometimes?!! After taking Mitchell to the movies when he was 2 to see Elmo in Grouchland, we've raised the age limit to 4 b/f we take our kids to the movies. My sisters always try to get me to take Claire when we are taking the older kids. He*% No! :)

Ryan and Lindsay said...

Happy Birthday, Haley! We sure love you! You're an amazing mother, Katie. I sure have a lot to live up to if I want to be like my big sis! :)

Unknown said...

Amazing, Amazing, Amazing! And that amazing little girl deserved it. I seriously shed a tear reading about the things that you love about her! Hope you had a wonderful Birthday {week} Haley! You are such a sweetheart!

Reed's Rat Race said...

You are awesome! So creative!

Amanda said...

The cake turned out great!! You, of course, are such a fantastic party thrower! Let's be party planners together. We would have so much fun.