
These Little Monkeys Cried "Whee!"

One of our family's favorite places is the Trafalga Fun Center up in Lehi.  The second we step out of the car, Adam and Drew make a bee-line for the boat ride.  It's pretty much one of the greatest things ever in their book.  And this video is pretty much one of the greatest things ever in my book. (Drew is on the left and Adam is on the right.)

These Little Monkeys Cried Whee! from Kate on Vimeo.

Part of the reason I like that video so much is because it reminds me of my second-favorite commercial.

(What's my favorite commercial, you ask? Without a doubt, it's this one.)


Lindsey said...

If I had to chose which of your videos I liked best "it would be a tie...between all of them". (I heart Kevin B.!)

The boys are darling. Adam was cracking me up! I couldn't understand him but he was so vocal and they were both so excited. When did Trafalga go to Lehi? CrAzY!

Ryan and Lindsay said...

Ha ha! My favorite was "I go up, I go down." "I go up, I go down". I think the video of the twins beats both of those other videos!

Kallie said...

that WAS identical to the "wee" sound in the first commercial. and i'd never seen it. hilar. (MAXWELL!) my fav commercial is the IKEA one where the lady "whoooooooo!"s you know that one?