
Special Twin Powers

Drew and Adam were given names and blessings in our church meeting when they were three months old. The priesthood holders in our family gathered around the boys one at a time - Drew first and then Adam - and the babies were quiet while their dad gave them blessings for the life ahead of them.  I was in the congregation, enjoying the serenity of the occasion, until the end of Adam's blessing when Chris threw a curve ball: "I bless you that you and your brother will only use your special twin powers for good."

For a minute I sat stunned, wondering if I'd really heard what I thought I'd just heard.  The circle around Adam broke and I saw Chris' dad and his cousin Ryan chuckling as they walked back to their seats.  I wasn't sure whether I should laugh at Chris' sense of humor or frown on his irreverence.  (To be honest, I'm still not sure.)  But there it was, and the records in Heaven will forever show that Adam and Drew have special twin powers to be used only for good.  And by extension, that my husband is a spazz.

I've heard of twins who can do crazy telepathy Jedi mind tricks, but I hadn't noticed any of those shenanigans going on between Adam and Drew until this morning.  At 7:00am I awakened Adam as I always do on school mornings.  I dragged the sleeping boy out of bed, and as I carried him down the hall to Drew's room, Adam said, "Mom, Drew's wet."  I asked, "Drew's wet?"  and Adam replied, "Yes.  Drew's wet."  I didn't think much of it until we went into Drew's room.  As soon as Drew opened his eyes, he sat up and said ... wait for it ... "Mama, I'm wet."  What do you know, Drew's diaper had leaked onto his pajamas and somehow, even though both boys were asleep in different rooms, Adam had known about it.  How creepy is that?

So now, as if I didn't have enough on my hands, I've got to worry about my little evil masterminds using their special twin powers to take over the world.  Maybe Chris was on to something with that preemptive strike after all.


ottspot said...

Still my favorite baby blessing ever. I am proud to be able to say I heard it in person.

Sarah and Cam said...

How crazy!! What cute boys :-)

Ryan and Lindsay said...

Holy moly. That is creepy!!! We love those boys!

romanrobertaloftus said...

I still remember that blessing! Roman and I looked at each other, and Roman, with a little smile on his face said: "Special twin powers?" One of my favorites too! I'll defenetely never forget it!