
Breaking Through the Wall

Every single day, sometime between 3:00 and 5:00pm, my kids and I hit the wall.  We're hungry and we're tired, and since not one of us deals well with low blood sugar or with fatigue, you can guess how much fun Casa Konold is in the late afternoon.  And if you can't guess, I'll tell you: it's zero much fun.
Not surprisingly, yesterday was no different from any other day and right on cue, we hit the dreaded late-afternoon skids.  The kids were yelling (OK, so was I), the kids were fighting, the kids were crying.  And in answer to my constant, silent prayer of "Please help me to be patient with the kids until they go to bed," the thought kept coming to me: Have Family Home Evening.  You need to have Family Home Evening

After dinner Chris offered to take the kids outside to jump.  Normally I would seize the opportunity to clean up a little or to sit down for a minute, but thoughts of Family Home Evening were still in my head.  Realizing that this might be as close to an FHE as we were going to get, I headed outside with my family.

And as it turns out, some high-flying acrobatics,
A poor little frog who wandered into our yard,

The Kids Named Him "Swimmy" from Kate on Vimeo.
And another gorgeous sunset
Were the perfect sledgehammers for breaking through that obnoxious wall.


Ryan and Lindsay said...

Hahahaha! The twins crack me up and I love how Carter thinks it is gross and just wants to see the camera :). So, where is the frog now? Did it live?

Jenny said...

I wish that frog would wander into our yard...cute!