

When Adam and Drew were babies, I'd refer to the children and myself collectively as "The Circus." Any time we'd go out, you'd see me with a diaper bag built for two slung over my shoulder, a baby carrier and it's passenger hanging from the crook of each arm, and Haley and Carter holding on to the other sides of the carriers since I couldn't hold their hands. People would stop me constantly to tell me that they/their sister/their third cousin twice removed had twins. "Hang in there," they'd say. "It gets easier when they turn one."

Well guess what. Every one of those people looked me in straight the eyes and lied to my face. Having twins did not get easier when they turned one. When they turned one, Adam and Drew were big enough to fight over toys. To knock over Carter's Lego towers. To chew on Haley's art projects. "Maybe it will get easier when they're two," I thought.

Adam and Drew turned two, and having twins still did not get easier. When Adam and Drew were two they were big enough to run, which they did constantly, and always in opposite directions. When they were two, they stopped taking naps. When they were two, they stopped eating anything that was not peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. "Maybe it will finally be easier when they're three," I thought.

But then Adam and Drew turned three, and still nothing got easier. In fact, the opposite was true. It seemed like having twins was getting progressively harder with each passing year, and I started wondering whether it was ever going to be easier. I mentioned this to my sister-in-law's sister, who has eight-year-old triplets. (TRIPLETS!) Denise told me, "Honestly, it really does get easier when they're four. Four was the magic age when I felt like I could finally breathe again."

And you know what? Denise was right. Four has been wonderful. I can take the boys out in public without the massive double stroller, and they'll stay with me. I can let them play at a playground without being on high alert every second for fear that one will run away while I'm watching the other. I can trust them to play with toys without ruining them. I can even get them to try new foods on most nights.

And so even though what I expected to be the hardest year of my life stretched into the hardest four years, I wouldn't trade my boys or the experience of being their mother for anything. I have learned so much about myself and what I'm capable of. And now I have not one but two of the most amazing little men in my life. I love them more than anything.
We held a carnival to celebrate the boys' birthday.  I had hoped to hold the party in the backyard, but the first snowfall of the season decided to fall that very morning.  So we moved the festivities inside and still had a wonderful time.

And finally, in the tradition of birthday posts on this blog, here are my four favorite things about my Adam:
  1. He is so. lovey. He hugs everybody (and I mean everybody). He'll happen upon a total stranger, point to him or her, and say "Mom, I love her." 
  2. He is so boisterous.  He gets so excited about so many little things, which is a great reminder to find joy everywhere.
  3. I love the way that he collects little treasures, which he puts in his backpack to take to school and show his Ms. Becky.  He gets so excited to share the things he loves with others.
  4. I love the way he looks out for Drew.  Those two have each others' backs in everything.
And here are my four favorite things about my Drew:
  1. Drew is just calm and sweet.  He's always ready with an "I love you, Mom" when I need it.  When I ask him to do something, his reply is always "OK, Mama."  He's agreeable and loving.
  2. He is creative.  He's always building machines out of Legos that have very specific purposes, like the cleaner car that sweeps rocks out of the road.  He loves to make ball tracks out of Play-Doh. He can entertain himself for hours.
  3. He loves to have his belly rubbed or his neck tickled when I'm reading his bedtime story, and it's amazing how quickly he calms down.
  4. Drew also looks out for Adam just as much as Adam looks out for him.  Those two have the most amazing bond and I feel so blessed to get to witness it.
 (Just for fun: here's a video of Adam and Drew trying out the "okie-dokies" that they got for their birthday. )

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