- Haley got first place for her grade in the science fair.
- In sacrament meeting somebody a couple rows up moved in their chair, and the chair made a farting noise against the basketball court floor. Drew scolded, “Daa-aad!” Really loudly.
- Drew’s teacher asked him to count as high as he could, so he sat up straight and tall, and in a high, squeaky falsetto, he started counting “1 ... 2 ... 3 ...!”
- Me: “You guys are so stinkin’ cute.” Adam, “You mean stinky and cute!”
- Drew: “I’m not the bad guy! I’m just a twin.”
- Adam and Drew always ask if something is for twins. “Is this a twin movie? Is this treat for twins?”
- Adam: “...but Grandma’s not my favorite.” Me: “Who’s your favorite?” Adam: “You, Mommy.”
- Chris: “If you guys don’t quit it, I’m going to punish you.” Adam: "Are you going to punish us in the face?”
- Me: “I see a bare bottom!” Drew: “That’s not a bear bottom. It’s a kid bottom!”
- Me: “What has hands but can’t clap?” Drew: “A clock.” Me: “How did you know that?” Drew: “Because clocks have hands, but they can’t clap.”
- Adam and Drew can ride bikes without training wheels.
- I found Adam and Drew playing a game of “I found your penis” when they were supposed to be getting dressed.
- Carter got an invitation into the Gifted & Talented program at school. When I read the part about “challenges,” Carter groaned, “Aww, I hate challenges.”
- Adam: “But Mom, choking each other is fun!”
- Adam and Drew can swim.
- We were listening to a CD of scripture mastery songs. On 2 Nephi 2:25 (“Adam fell that men might be…”), Adam says, “Haley, I don’t want to fall.”
- Drew is my future rock star. This boy loves to sing and hums to himself constantly.
- Adam fell at the playground and needed three stitches in his chin.
- Me: “Adam, eat your lunch.” Adam: “But but but … I have a headache in my tummy!”
- Carter: “When women play football, they have to wear belly shirts.” Me: “Where have you seen that?” Carter: “On commercials.”
- All three boys were trying to talk at once, so in exasperation Carter yelled, “Stop talk-blocking me!”
- Adam: “How do you make skin?” Drew: “I think you use salt, and an apple, and glue.”
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