
Fourth Festivities

We hope everyone had a magical Fourth of July! We started the evening with a fabulous tea party hosted by Haley (her biggest party ever: nine guests!) who did a great job of setting three tables with all her best Disney Princess "china" and preparing pretend finger foods for everybody:

We then headed out to our annual spot to enjoy some free Stadium of Fire (if you sit right outside the stadium you can hear and almost see everything) and an awesome fireworks display!


Kallie said...

i want to attend the tea party! i'd even wear my best hat ;) looks like a fun time. carter didn't like the noise, i take it.

Kate said...

I'm sure Hales would be more than delighted to invite you to tea any time you're in town. :) No - C did not like the noise. He got used to it and did better later on, but that's how he spent the majority of the display!

Andy & Jennica Weeks said...

Hey there! It has been too long since I checked your blog!!! You have a whole lot going on I see :) I really enjoyed going back and reading all your old posts and seeing all your pictures. Your family is too cute and soon to be even more so! I also checked out your other blog today- I LOVE IT!!! I am going to be checking that one out more often as well. I think that is awesome, my attempt at sharing recipes on my blog did not go over so well. I hope you are feeling well and enduring this heat being prego with twins. Love ya!