
Thing 1 and Thing 2

Twin update: Baby A (Adam) now weighs in at 1 lb. 5 oz., and Baby B (Drew) is not far behind at 1 lb. 3 oz. Two different perinatologists have seen the boys on ultrasound, and both are positive that they are identical. (Apparently, if the membrane separating the twins is less than 2mm thick, they're identical, and my membrane is only 1mm. Combine that with their shared placenta and gender, and their near-identical sizes, and well ... odds are good.) Anyway, I'd post the latest ultrasound pics, but we couldn't get a good shot of Drew so he looks like a little nondescript blob. And Adam's profile shot looks exactly like the one that I already posted. But everything looks good so far - my OB called us "textbook" and I am feeling OK. The perinatologist told me not to work out any more, which shouldn't be a problem. :) Here's hoping that everybody finds a way to stay cool this summer!


Lindsey said...

Wow...identical. Does this run in the family or are you guys just the lucky ones?

Kate said...

Just lucky, I guess. :) Fraternals are the ones that run in families; identicals are a pure fluke. (Yet another reason to assume that they really are identical.)

Kallie said...

how'd you decide which baby was which name? alphabetical order? (i wish someone would tell ME not to work out...)

Kate said...

Hey RAK - I just think that "Adam and Drew" rolls off the tongue easier than "Drew and Adam". Of course, now that I think about it, it's not like we HAVE to refer to them in birth order or anything. Oh, well. :)

Kate said...

Oh, and by the way, I hereby order you not to work out. ;)

Jennica said...

I think that is so cool to have identical twins...you are so blessed. Is there anything I can do for you...please let me know. I can watch your kids for you so you guys can go on a date or come clean your house.

Anna said...

i love the names, and how exciting! [...um, and take Jennica up on her offer.....now i'm excited to move out there, she'll be cleaning MY house, woohoo!!!]