
Timpanebo or Bust

Yesterday was the 4th annual Timpanebo Hike, a 20-hour death march during which the guys hike Mt. Nebo and Mt. Timpanogos back-to-back. I assume Chris, his dad Steve, his cousins Ryan and Quinn, and our friend Steve Taylor had a good time, but I can't be sure since Chris is still asleep as I post this. ;)

Quinn, Steve, Ryan and Chris atop Mt. Nebo

Chris takes in the view from Timp's tin shack

Steve T. enjoys a romantic sunset from the top of Timp

The view from the top


Lindsey said...

Those pictures are beautiful but....they make my acrophobia kick in big time.

Jen and Alec said...

Wow, Alec is sure sad he didn't join them on the death march, I mean hike. I'm surprised that you didn't go Katie. Your fam is as cute as ever.