I just realized that I have been seriously neglecting Carter on this blog recently. It's kind of been the Haley Show around here lately. So, here are some pictures of Carter from the last few weeks:

When Chris took this picture, he asked, "Carter, what does a cowboy say?" To which C. replied, "Moo!"

Mmm ... who dosen't love Lick-a-Sticks? Well, besides the mom who has to clean up after them, of course.

Just playing outside ...

C. and his beloved "Blue Puppy" enjoying a matinee; below is Carter doing his famous Shrek impersonation.
that's it! your kids are too cute...i HAVE to take their picture! Hey, will you call me so i can come take pics of your twins??? what's your email? mine is annienjosh at yahoo dot com I'm excited!
awwww, is that boy cute or what? it will be interesting to see if his brothers look like him.
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