That's what you would have heard at every door had you been trick-or-treating with us. Carter and Mari would start yelling it the second their feet touched the porch, whether anybody had answered the door or not. It was pretty cute. Here's Haley and Carter showing off their jack-o-lanterns:

Check out Chris' new and improved Kid Rock look (it's a little too good, if you ask me):
Thanks for letting us tag along. Mari had such a good time.
that's hilarious -- although it looks a little too summery for halloween night. at least they didn't have to wear their coats over their costumes.
Those costumes are all great and Chris does look freakishly like him.
I also had November 1st as your birthing day...I guess I must be wrong. Darnit.
Wow, that is disturbing, which is what he was probably going for. It looks like it was warm there, better than last year eh?
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