Here are some pics of the kids getting to know each other now that they boys are off of the Bili lights. (Our neighbors must think that we're working on a marijuana crop after seeing the purple glow emitting from our windows!) Anyway ... please forgive me for not even attempting any kind of clever captions for the pictures. My brain is a little mushy right now!
Adam getting a kiss from Drew

Carter, Adam & Haley
Haley & Adam 
Carter & Adam

Oh, I just love those pictures of the big kids holding the little kids!
I can just hear your neighbors now: "I can't believe that Sister Konold...she pops out 2 babies and can't wait to get back to those doobies!"
Oh, Katie, you make me laugh.
it just occurred to me -- you just doubled your offspring. twins are amazing. i used to think it was so exciting to get twins when i'd crack an egg for scrambling. what a miraculous thing.
Watch out, Kallie - Native American legend says that if you get twins in an egg that you're going to have twins yourself!
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