Chris recently made the difficult decision to leave his job at the Social Security Administration after his former employer Mity Lite offered him a more promising sales position. He has been playing on the Mity Lite indoor soccer team for a while and it looks like their fellowshipping scheme finally paid off. Being the fabulous husband that he is, most of his evenings and weekends are spent with Haley and Carter at the pool or the park, keeping them out of my hair for a little while! He still loves any sport that ends in "-boarding", especially snowboarding and wakeboarding, and does as much of each as he can, depending on the season.
Katie is adapting to life as a mother of four children under six. I'm also slowly making peace with the idea that my abdomen may never recover from housing twins for 38 1/2 weeks. Pre-pregnancy, I'd taken up snowboarding and scuba diving. This is a true testament of my love for Chris, since flying down a mountain in the freezing cold and being underwater both go against everyting in my nature. Surprisingly, I love both and enjoy having something fun to do with Chris and without the kids.
Haley will be six in March and started kindergarten this year. She astounds me every day with the things that she is able to read, and she loves to write. (I'm torn between my desire to help her learn and the tedium of spelling words for her all. day. long.) Haley is our little zoologist and is keeper of an enormous menagerie of stuffed pets and "Littlest Pet Shop" animals. She plans to own a pet shop when she grows up and dreams of the day when mom and dad will cave in and let her get a real pet. (It ain't gonna happen.) Haley loves swimming lessons and playing city league outdoor and indoor soccer.
Carter will turn three in about three weeks. He is the most tenacious little guy I have ever met ... I pray that he'll learn to use his powers for good and not evil. Carter is adapting to life as a middle child as well as a two-year-old can. He's such a loving little guy, and he's been exclaiming "Merry Cwissmus!" to everyone and everything this month, including a basketball game on TV. Carter loves playing cars, computer games, baseball, and soccer. I'm so excited for him to turn three so he can start playing city league soccer; it's been so hard for him to watch Haley's games and not be able to play himself!
Adam and Drew are seven weeks old today. Although they're identical, I'm starting to see differences in their personalities already. Adam is my smiley guy, while Drew is a little harder to crack. Drew often looks at me with these expressions that remind me so much of his uncle Cam as a kid. Which, as anyone who knew Cam back in the day knows, means trouble. (Sorry, Cam.) I'm entertained by their eating patterns: Drew will wake up screaming like he's being starved to death, but then takes a few little sips (hardly spilling a drop) and is done. While Adam rarely initiates the feedings, he chugs with gusto, spluttering milk everywhere, heartily belches, and then spits half of his food back up. Needless to say, Adam's about twice Drew's size. These little guys constantly entertain us, and are such a happy addition to our family.
OK, so that wasn't so quick or short. But I hope that this Christmas finds all of our loved ones happy, healthy, and with the spirit of our Savior and of Christmas in your homes. We love you all!
Thta was fun to read and I think Having twisn gts you off the hook for a Christmas card, in my opinion...
I recieved the twins birth announcements! So cute! We need to have our girls get together and play sometime.
Sounds like all is well. I wish I could see those cute twins. I loved the little video. Merry Christmas, uh, maybe I should say Happy Holidays.
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