Every day when Haley comes home from school, I send her upstairs to change into play clothes. And almost every day, she comes downstairs dressed just like me, or at least coordinating with what I'm wearing. I guess I should enjoy it now, because it probably won't be too long before she becomes a teenager and hates my guts.
That is so sweet of Haley! You guys look so much alike anyway!!
Could you videotape and post you singing your rendition of Islands in the Stream?
Your so funny. I'm sure Haley will be just like you were as a teenager, and I don't remember you being so bad. It's fun to watch children get older. It's amazing how quickly they try to grow up, and so sad. Anyway, you two are adorable.
That is sweet she wants to be just like her mama. I need your address btw, send it to hailey@thekandells.com
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That is precious really...she admires her mommy just as she should! I always have looked up to you. I bet you didn't know that!
how cute! but i'm not surprised - you're so cute, i try to dress like you too (i just don't see you often enough)
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