1. I have recurring dreams about roller coasters that are in places where they shouldn't be (usually down hallways inside white industrial buildings). Make of that what you will.
2. Ever since I was a kid, I've been obsessed with house plans. I love to look at them, so much so that I order builders' catalogs all the time, even though we're not in the market. Consequently, I'm on a lot of real estate mailing lists.
3. According to the "Where I've Been" application on my Facebook page, I've only been to 7% of the world. (The craziest place I've been? The Gaza Strip.) I've got to get a move on if I'm going to reach the goal I set in high school to visit every country in the world.
4. I didn't have my first boyfriend until I was almost 22 years old, and I married him.
5. I am a big time planner, to the extent that I often have things planned years in advance. Chris teases that my energy is always five years ahead. But I get really panicked if I have to make decisions too quickly!
Now, on to the second tag I've gotten recently, from my darling Tessa:
My diaper bag is my purse right now, and it's all about function over fashion. It's this attractive pea-green color so Chris won't get embarrassed when he has to carry it. The shoulder strap is so I can wear the thing across my chest and swing it behind me, so I have two free arms to herd my kids through parking lots.
Changing pad
Nine diapers (three for each boy)
Spare outfit (the babies are constantly blowing out diapers)
Cell phone
Dental floss
Eye drops
Hand sanitizer
Candy (for averting in-public meltdowns)
The babies' immunization records
The funnest lip gloss ever (it has snake venom in it!)
Coupons for Roberts, Rod Works, Toys R Us, Deseret Book, Children's Place, and Pebbles in My Pocket
(Did I mention that I'm a planner?)
So there you have it. I'm now re-tagging the same girls as last time, since only one of you actually did it. ;)
I promise I am getting to the tags. I feel like I don't have much to say about myself, but I'll try. I have been a big blog slacker.
I love that you are a planner , me too. Especially family trips, I have about our next 2 years planned out.
I'm not making any promises about this whole tag game. I'm just not good at that kind of stuff. But, if I get really bored then I might do it. I know, I should be a better sport.
When I read about your diaper bag my first thought was,"Does she actually have the courage to leave the house?" I can barely get up the desire to get out of the house with the three kids I have.
You love house plans too?!? Recently I have taken to drawing house plans and I am totally addicted! It doesn't help that I have an Architect for a husband! We LOVE to do it together! I just get into trouble because I fall in love with them and WANT them... right now!!
Oh, and I am totally jealous that you are able to keep so organized! My diaper bag has never looked that clean and organized! You are indeed a SUPER MOMMY!
I am very surprised by the 5 things..I had no idea. It is nice to get to know you better and from the looks of your bag, you are a lot like me! :)
Hey Kate, Send me your email address and then I can send you an invite to be an author on the book review website. stephanie.baxter@stalkerfamily.com
Hey Kate, Send me your email address and then I can send you an invite to be an author on the book review website. stephanie.baxter@stalkerfamily.com
wow, It's been a long time since I've used a diaper bag. I forget all the crap you have to haul around! I really don't miss it.
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