
Birthday Girl

Haley is six years old! We had such a fun weekend partying with her. We had her birthday party with her friends at Chuck E. Cheese's, which was a blast for the kids and really easy for me.
We took the kids back to Kangaroo Zoo on Haley's actual birthday, and had a lot of fun playing together before heading home for cake and presents. When Chris asked Haley whether all her birthday dreams had come true, her response was "What are birthday dreams?" I guess six isn't that old after all. Thank goodness!


Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

nice, those are all of our favorite places!!

Lindsay K. said...

Mari is still talking about Chuck E Cheese. Thanks for having us. Love you Haley!

Unknown said...

Hey, I went to Chuck E Cheese Saturday for my nephews birthday. Anyway, Happy Birthday Haley. And, hello, Katie. That pic of you and Haley is gorgeous. You suck. :) Love ya!

Petersons said...

Please tell me you didn't make that dang cute cake! And yes, you look HOT!

Jen and Alec said...

Great pics! I swear you are even prettier than when I last saw you--having twins must agree with you.

Jennica said...

WOw...she has grown up so fast! Happy Birthday Haley!!! ...love your cake ;) Looks like you guys had fun, and I can't get over how big the babies are!

Kallie said...

oh that cake IS cute -- someday i'll be that cute of a mom. :) Happy Birthday Haley!!!