
Big Boys

The babies are ready for breakfast! (And, yes, feeding solids to two babies takes as long as you're imagining that it might.)


Unknown said...

Man, those boys are sooooo very cute. And, I have to say that you need a nanny. How do you find time for anything besides taking care of the twins. Diapers alone would take up at least a quarter of your day.

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

they are out of control adorable!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You would only hear this from an old guy . . .

Enjoy your little treasures while you have them - before you know it they'll be on their own with no Mom around to attend to their every need. You'll breathe a sigh of relief that you got them through their learning years and they'll push away wanting to be independent and on their own.

It all happens so fast - savor the time together because looking back and wishing things were different only brings regret.

Old Guy

Kate said...

Thanks, Dad. ;) I know that you're right.