
A Day at the Park

Yesterday was one perfect spring day in the midst of many yucky days, so we took advantage by heading to the park. We took Kallie, Avery, and Max along, and had a great time! The big kids had so much fun, and the babies watched contentedly from the sidelines. It was just a really fun afternoon.We went back to Grandma & Grandpa's house afterward so the kids could play a little bit more, and Haley posed for my new favorite picture ever. She had turned herself into a Teddy Bear!


Petersons said...

No, we did not get tickets...I wasn't about to stand in a line for hours. I tried the online tickets, no luck. Now of course everyone is price gouching. I'm not that desperate for tickets....it's too bad that so many scalpers and others have to buy them just to profit.

Unknown said...

What a cute teddy bear. The park looked like it was fabulous. I am so glad it is getting warm. I was at Betsy's on Friday. We have been hanging out a little. She has four kids now and seems to be hanging in there pretty well. She is still fun to be around. Anyway, that's totally off the subject. Ciao!

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

what fun! dosent it make you soo wxcited for warm weather??

Wendy said...

That's such a funny picture of Hailey. Yay for sunny days and parks! I love Hailey's quote. I think I'll use that excuse sometime when I do something dumb. :)

Unknown said...

Maybe this summer we could convince Betsy to make a Salt Lake trip. Right now she is pretty busy at home. She has two kids at school, but her son is only in kindergarten half day. Then she also has a 2 year old and a 4 month old. You two both have your hands full, hahahaha. Did I move you up to 58? Anyway, I'll ask her about it next time I see her.

Petersons said...

Take a look at my friends and fam list and see who's blog I found...leave me a comment when you find it. You'll know which one I'm talking about.