
Hey, Ladies!

Anyone who loves "Twilight" will want to see this.


Unknown said...

Ok. So I am thinking that we need to do a Twilight movie Ladies night. I am positive that my husband will never go see Twilight with me and I would have a lot more fun seeing it with some other lovely ladies. I am starting to think the movie might be good. I had my doubts at first.

Kate said...

YES!!! I would way rather see it with girls than with somebody who would make fun of it the whole time. (I'm not naming names, Chris ...)

Lindsay K. said...

Thanks Katie! It does look better than I thought it would be. If there is a girls night I would love to be included. Matt would never in a million years see this with me.

Petersons said...

Hmmm...I'm thinking Edward is not hot enough...I already know this High School kid that totally fits Edward. Everytime I would read the book I would envision this kid...I'll have to post a pic of him.

Unknown said...

That's funny Kate. My husband would just make fun of it the whole time too. He made fun of me the entire time I was reading the books and he didn't even know what was going on. I can't imagine what it would be like to see the movie with him. So, we are definitely on for the movie.
Now about the whether or not Edward is hot enough. I too have questioned that. But, I think good old Cedric Diggory is growing on me. . .slowly.

Kate said...

I know, you guys! Cedric/Edward kind of makes me gag, which is very disappointing. But I guess if he's a good enough actor, (read: romantic enough) maybe I can look past it. Maybe I'll go without my contacts in so his face will be blurry. ;)

Wendy said...

Yeah you can't go to see that one with anyone who is just going to sit there and scoff (Chad...). That's a definate girls night out flick. I'm excited to see it.

We can do hard things! said...

I guess I'm an idiot...what is this movie? I've never heard of it. Fill me in. I always love a good movie. Your new color is so cute, KB ( I think I will call you that from now on..you know what I'm saying, right?) I just cant call you anything else...no matter how many babies you have. Did I say "by you have your hands full?" Boy I hope not! If I did, I truly apologize. Yikes! Talk soon!