

A few people have tagged me with this one, so here you go!

A-Attached or single: Blissfully attached
B-Best friend: Besides the obvious answer of family members, I'd say Steph. We might not keep in touch as well as we should, but we've been friends since we were 14. I love her!
C-Cake or pie: I love cake. Although I do make a pretty mean apple pie.
D-Day of choice: Friday. The promise of a weekend is always exciting.
E-Essential item: Lip balm. I keep one on my person at all times, and just in case, there's one in each bag and a backup in the closet.
F-Favorite color: I really like any earth tone. I'm especially digging brown right now.
G-Gummy worms or bears: I'm not crazy about either, but bears are definitely easier to eat.
H-Hometown: Lindon, Utah
I-Indulgence: Blogging. This is how I unwind after the kids are asleep.
J- January or July: July all the way.
K-Kids: Haley, Carter, Adam & Drew. I never imagined that I would have four kids, but now I can't imagine life without any one of them.
L-Life is incomplete without: Laughter. Laughing keeps me sane with things are totally insane.
M-Marriage date: April 23, 1999. I can't believe that it's been nine years!
N-Number of siblings: Two brothers and one sister. Plus all of my current and soon-to-be siblings-in-law on both sides, who I also love dearly!
O-Oranges or Apples: Tough call. Apples are easier to eat, but when I have time to peel an orange properly, I sure love them! (I'm pretty particular about the cleanliness of my orange sections. No white stuff.)
P-Phobias or fears: I'm way, way, way afraid of heights, and marginally afraid of water, spiders, snakes, the dark, and bloody mouths.
Q-Quotes: When I did Weight Watchers, they taught us that "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels." This is my mantra when I'm trying to lose baby weight. I also like "Optima dies ... prima fugit" by Dante: it means "The best days are first to flee." It reminds me to enjoy the present.
R-Reason to smile: My husband and my kids keep me smiling almost constantly. But I also really enjoy smiling to myself over little absurdities ... I love to laugh at things that I find silly.
S-Season: It's a toss-up between summer and fall. I love everything about summer, but nothing beats BYU football!
T-Tagged friends: Anyone who would like to play along.
U-unknown fact about me: I hate to wash my hands. (Don't worry - that doesn't mean that I don't do it.) My skin is so dry that it's painful unless I have some turbo-strength lotion handy!
V-Very favorite store: If you go by where I spend all of our money, it's Wal-Mart, even though I hate Wal-Mart with all the passion of my being. But if you go by where I wish I could spend all of our money, it's Restoration Hardware.
W-Worst habit: I twirl my hair like a dumb blonde. My mom says I've done it since the day I was born. It's pretty sad.
X-X-ray, Ultrasound, or Mammogram: I guess ultrasound, even though I'm pretty stoked that I'll never have one again!
Y-Your favorite food: Oh, geez, how to choose? I guess I have to go with cheesecake. That's the one item that I could never, ever say "no" to.
Z-Zodiac: Leo


Unknown said...

I'm glad we are still BFF. Wish we lived by each other so we could hang out though. Also, I liked your quote from weight watchers. I need that because I am really struggling with that part of my life make over. I love exercising so that's no problem. It's not fair. I think that if I am exercising I should get to enjoy any food I feel like. Why isn't it that way?

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

that was fun to read. I LOVE washing my hands, what with that??