
While the Cat's Away ...

So ... Chris has been on a four-day business trip this week. (And in case any crazies are reading this and contemplating breaking into my home while my husband's gone: he'll be home today. Don't even think about it.) Anyway, to keep the kids from missing him too much, we did some fun things while he was gone.

Tuesday night we had a "Pizza Picnic", which may have to become a tradition. We rented "Alvin and the Chipmunks" and had pizza and ice cream cones on a picnic blanket in the family room. Not the healthiest activity ever concocted, but the kids sure enjoyed it. Even the babies laughed - hysterical, screaming laughter - when the chipmunks broke into their rocked-out version of The Christmas Song. They really loved those helium-balloon voices!
Yesterday my mom and I took the kids to the Living Planet Aquarium in Sandy. It was way, way smaller than I expected, but we still had a good time. I may have killed all of the jelly fish, though. Only after I had taken several pictures did my mom notice the "No Flash Photography" sign. So, if you hear about a bunch of dead jellies on the news, that was me.
We had a fun week, but we're all excited for Daddy to get home!


We can do hard things! said...

Hey how do you get your blog posts on facebook? Again, I'm an idiot! Totally computer illiterate.

Lindsay K. said...

We've been thinking of going there, I'll have to get the low down.

Unknown said...

I love pizza and a movie picnics. We do them almost every week. Your a trooper. 4 days alone with 4 kids. I might lose it before the 4 days was over.

Lindsey said...

Wow, 4 days alone with 4 kids? It's almost like you are a football wife! You are such a good mom, you give me good ideas and inspiration.

The pictures of those "jellies" reminds me of Finding Nemo when Crush says "Whooaa....the jellies!" "Righteous!"

Wendy said...

That's always nice to change things up a little bit. And kudos to you for staying home with 4 little munchkins. A pizza and movie picnic sounds like fun I'll have to try that one sometime.

Jen and Alec said...

I can't imagine how you stayed sane. I go crazy when Alec has classes until 8pm. But I'm kind of a wimp that way.