
A Whole New Me

After spending every single day of my nearly-32 years as a blonde, I decided to try out something new. Me likey!


Lindsey said...

WOW! I love it! That is a great color for you and perfect for a Spring change! Lindsey likey too!

Petersons said...

It's amazing how different it made you look! You look younger to me...
I like it. Change is good. I just chopped mine off a hair longer that yours. It was pretty long. And I went blonder for Spring.

The Edwards Family said...

You look GREAT!!! I love the new hair color.

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

you are so cute! its fun to try out new things with your hair.

Caitlin said...

What a babe!! That's such a pretty color on you Katie! miss you girl...hope all is well!!

Unknown said...

When I first went to your page I couldn't figure out who I was looking at. Very cool. I've dyed my hair red a few times and it is always fun. Did you tell Chris you were going to do or just surprise him?

Unknown said...

Oh yea, and may I say that you look like the happiest mom ever. I am so impressed how you have held up with twins. You surely fall into the realm of super mom now :).

Jen and Alec said...

Hubba Hubba! It looks so natural on you! How does Chris like it? I also love your shirt and your two adorable bottle-eating accessories.

Lindsay K. said...

I love it Katie! It looks really good on you. Makes me want to darken mine.

HeatherK said...

Katie, I love the hair change!!! You look so cute!

Scott, Mandi and the boys said...

I like it I have been trying to decide if I am going to try a new color too I too have been blonde my whole life and the upkeep is sometimes hectic! Anyways it is super cute!!

Wendy said...

I like it too! You look really good as a brunette.