

Stadium of Fire, why do you hate me? Is this some kind of karmic payback for all the years that I sat just outside the stadium, so I could hear everything and see almost everything, without actually coughing up $45 per ticket to come in? How could you?

For me, the Fourth of July just wouldn't be the Fourth of July without lounging comfortably on the grass just outside the stadium, eating pizza and playing Frisbee while waiting for the fireworks to begin. Our secret spot, which I'll never reveal, is situated so that we can see the fireworks perfectly and hear the festivities inside, allowing us to basically enjoy the show for free.

However, this year the stadium has thrown me for a loop. I don't want to forgo the festivities, but Hannah Montana is headlining this year's Stadium of Fire. Hannah Montana, whose show was born in the fourth circle of Hell (look it up if you don't believe me). I consider myself pretty tolerant of children's programming: I'm a whiz at tuning out the obnoxious shows ("Yo Gabba Gabba"), and have even been known to sing along with the better ones. Why couldn't the stadium have booked the Little Einsteins? I could have enjoyed that. Instead, they opted for the retainer-induced lisp of Hannah Montana. Hearing her music makes me want to cut my ears off and beat myself over the head with them. And beat Haley with them too, since it's her fault that I even know who Hannah is.

So, here I am. Is 45 minutes of the greatest fireworks ever really worth an hour of Hannah Montana? I guess I'll find out. Can anyone recommend some good earplugs?


Lindsey said...

WHAT!?!?!? You have got to be kidding! I will never understand the thought process of SoF officials. What's sad is that they are probably thinking "YES! We got her! We sooo rule!"

Great post, by the way, it really made me laugh. I think you should forward it to the Herald and have them publish what I'm sure the rest of the County is thinking.

Jen and Alec said...

I had to show this post to Alec because I thought it was so funny. If what I hear is true, you better get tickets, like, last month or you may have to use your ear-beating skills to get some.

HeatherK said...

Katie,you make me laugh!! You are the best writer! I know what you mean about Hannah M.. Isabel is constantly singing her songs.. ahh

Unknown said...

It seems that I am very lucky indeed to have never heard the wailing of Hannah Montana. Rachel is still too young to know or care about her. . . and Benjamin would simply never even consider being interested in her because she is a girl. In other exciting music news, did you hear that New Kids on the Block is getting back together. I hope they change their name. Just the same, I always thought Joey was so hot. Wonder what he looks like twenty years later. Maybe they will be at the stadium of fire next year. I could only dream. . .

Petersons said...

Please tell me you don't have tickets? Avery is dying to go. The good part, Blue Man Group too. I've never seen them in concert, but I've heard they're fun. We have a friend w/ a wristband trying to get us tickets...
Sorry...I guess I'm just used to Hannah Montana. Avery had to be her for Halloween. (I don't think anyone knew that's who she was).