
Six Months Old!

I can't believe it: Adam and Drew are six months old already! Adam weighs 15 lbs. 13 oz., and Drew weighs 15 lbs. 7 oz. (I have to say, I am getting some buff arms from lugging them around. If only I could lose the fat, I'd be ripped!) Anyway, they are 28.8" (Adam) and 28.4" (Drew) long ... they're getting so big! They're healthy as can be and more fun than we ever could have hoped. We love 'em!

I took the babies in for their six-month checkup, and let me just say that there is nothing quite like the sound of two babies simultaneously getting four shots each. It was crazy. I was so frazzled that, afterward when Carter needed to take a pit stop in the potty, instead of pointing his you-know-what down into the bowl, I put my finger over it, which had the same effect as putting a thumb over a hose nozzle. Pee everywhere. So then, I was in there with two screaming babies and a pee-soaked Carter, mopping urine off the floor with wads of toilet paper so the next person wouldn't slip and kill herself. The nurses in the hallway must have wondered what on earth was going on in there!


Lindsay K. said...

Happy half birthday! Those six months flew by. They are the cutest little boys!

Lindsey said...

What happy, darling boys with awesome onesies!!! Happy 6 months twinsies!!

By the way...are any of your kids left handed like you are? I know it's not hereditary but I was hoping Deacon would be like me...

Kate said...

Yes! Carter is left-handed. It's kind of cool, although I spent all day yesterday trying to find a T-Ball glove for a 3-year-old left-handed thrower ... more difficult than you might think. I finally had to get him a glove for 7-9 year olds. Oh well - he'll grow into it!

Unknown said...

I can't believe that you made it through the six month mark. I think those are the hardest. Once babies can sit up life seems to get moderately easier. Although, I am not sure with twins. congrats. And I am sorry about the episode at the doctor's office. Your a brave woman to do it by yourself. You need to check out Katie Moss's website. she has the cutest picture of some twin boys she photographed this week. Ciao!

Unknown said...

I can't believe that you made it through the six month mark. I think those are the hardest. Once babies can sit up life seems to get moderately easier. Although, I am not sure with twins. congrats. And I am sorry about the episode at the doctor's office. Your a brave woman to do it by yourself. You need to check out Katie Moss's website. she has the cutest picture of some twin boys she photographed this week. Ciao!