
Stops Along Our Way

We decided to take a nice family bike ride for Memorial Day yesterday. Little did we know that we'd be stopping about eleventy billion times along the way:

Stops 1 - 6: Carter has a meltdown or six (we finally ditched his bike and had him ride with Chris)
Stop 7: The big swing
Stop 8: Taking shelter in a tunnel from the pouring rainStop 9: Taking shelter at the KOA Campground from the stinging hail (by the way, do you like Carter's "Spaceballs" helmet?)We finally decided to ride home through the rain before the weather got any worse. Haley was such a trooper, pedaling just as fast as her little legs could go, for about two miles! We made it home and the kids warmed up with nice cups of hot cocoa. Somehow, hot chocolate and Memorial Day have never been synonymous in my mind before. Go figure.


Lindsey said...

FUN! Looks like Chris was carrying quite a load there!

Hey! You said "eleventy billion"! That is my all time favorite number! I say it all the time!

Kate said...

That must be where my subconscious got it from. :) I know that "eleventy" is in Lord of the Rings, but putting "billion" with it must have come from you!

Lindsey said...

Awesome! I didn't know it was from Lord of the Rings.....I got it from ESPN Sports Center! Ha!!! You're the best.

Unknown said...

Memorial day rain. It is just not supposed to happen. We had a family reunion at a park. Nice huh? Actually, after the first hour the rained stopped and we still managed to have a jolly good time. The twins are cuter every time I see them. Your blessed. I am sure they will be lots of fun. They look like they have light hearted personalities. Always smiling.

Wendy said...

Sounds like a very eventful bike ride. Too funny. The twins look like they enjoyed every minute of it.