
Back to My Roots

Yay for Strawberry Days! I'm technically from Lindon, but Pleasant Grove is my adopted hometown since Lindon and Cedar Hills were both annexes of PG back in the day. Anyway, we all headed out to the parade on Saturday and had a great time. My very favorite part of the parade is watching the kids chase down candy. It's funny how your parenting sense goes out the window at a parade ... here I am every year, telling my kids to dash out into the middle of the road to snatch up taffy and lollipops thrown at them by strangers. It's all in good fun, right?


Jen and Alec said...

Great videos! I love the push face, but I have to admit, Chris' sounded very interesting as well, could you post one of those on your blog?

Jacque said...

SO CUTE! I love parades!
Your kiddos are so incredibly cute.

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

Oh I love parades and rodeos and all the Strawberry Days stuff!! We need to have you guys over soon, I want to see those babies! (in person)

Lindsey said...

Oh, that makes me so homesick that it hurts!

Darling pictures! Did you have your kids go "Mutton Bustin'?" {lol}

Petersons said...

Hope you didn't miss the adult women jazz dancers :) That was funny.

We can do hard things! said...

Ohh bummer...I was hoping it was this weekend! My sister is having a baby and we were hoping it was this weekend, although, I had a sneaking sucspision (?sp, whatever) that it was last weekend! You guys looked so cute at the wedding! I'm jealous!

Jess said...

Hi Katie - Fun pictures! :)

Jennica said...

Ah, how much fun! I love getting fam together and going to do things like parades and such!!! I am so glad you guys all have eachother close...it is so NICE to have our loved ones near. =)