
By the Numbers: Our Summer Vacation

11 Days
2 Cities
1 Brother who got married in Vegas 3 Times I cried at the wedding (curse those bride-and-her-daddy dances!)
11 Nephews in tuxedos13 Dollars won at the blackjack table
Browne kids spooked by the 3D movie at the M&M Factory
6 In-n-Out Burgers consumed
2 Teeth cut by Drew in San Diego
2 Babies who loved the swings0 Times Carter's Safety Turtle Pool Alarm sounded20+ Belly-flops by Haley20 minutes to get the babies ready to go swimming
5 minutes in the pool before the babies got splashed and were done swimming
2 Great-Grandparents visitedA million Kids on field trips at the science museum when we were there (give or take)
2 Seats on the bike Chris & I rode at the beach (it's more fun that you'd think ... if you don't get the "Three's Company" theme stuck in your head like I did)
1 Humongous kite flown at the beach30 Dollars to have a seafood lunch on the pier with your kids
3 Points by which the Cubs beat the Padres (boo)5 Important items lost on the trip
3 Lost important items found
7 Hours spent at LegoLand0 Times the babies fussed during those seven hours
1 Magic trash can

5 People in the house who succumbed to a stomach flu (everyone but Haley, Adam and me)
3 Loads of laundry I've done as a result of said flu

We had such a great trip. Thanks to everyone who hosted us and spent time with us! I went a little camera-happy ... here are some more pics:


Jacque said...

Those are quite the number there Katie! I am so bummed we didn't make it to the reception. Tigh was coughing so hard. He was great in the temple, but he lost it later. Poor kiddo. We wanted to go so bad! BUT! There is always the Utah reception that we will be at this Thursday! See you there!
Your family is SO cute!

Lindsey said...

"Come and knock on our door....We've been waiting for you!" Ha! You are so funny, Kate!

Wow! What an eventful 11 days you guys had! There are so many things that I would comment on but then I'd have "eleventy billion" things to say, so I'll just sum it up by saying you guys are so cute, the wedding looked fabulous and it looked like you had a great time!!!

Lindsay K. said...

It looked like you guys had a great time. I want to hear all about it.

The Edwards Family said...

What a fun vacation your family had.

Jen and Alec said...

Your family should be on advertisements! I can't believe your hot bod has borne 4 children, multiples included.

Scott, Mandi and the boys said...

Love all the stats! You are too cute and funny!

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

what a fun post, but I am tired from just reading it!!!! You are super mom!

HeatherK said...

I loved your post!!! so fun to read! Sounds like you had a great time! The pictures of your family are very cute!

Wendy said...

I'm sure you noticed that I took your idea from this one and used it on my anniversary one. I was trying to think of a good anniversary post and then I read this one and it got my wheels turnin. Hope you don't mind. :)

Anonymous said...

People should read this.