
Sittin' Pretty

My world is a much happier place: the babies have started sitting up! (Drew is on the left and Adam is on the right.) They are so much happier sitting and playing with toys than they were laying on their backs, so I might actually be able to get some things done around here now. I have been waiting for this day for a long, long time!I think the question I get asked more than any other (besides "Are they twins?") is "What differences do you see between them?" Well, here's what I can see so far:

Adam is very laid-back; he's generally content to just hang out and do his thing. He doesn't need a lot of coddling and puts himself to sleep like a champ. He's outgoing and social; he loves to blow raspberries back and forth with anyone who will play along, and he smiles very easily. Adam is a lot more vocal than Drew and can get really loud when he's jabbering away.

Drew is more intense than Adam. He's definitely more curious; he's always grabbing at things and exploring (as far as his limited mobility will allow!). He is very determined. He's more introverted and quiet. He's not as easily entertained; it usually takes some work to get him to laugh. Drew needs more attention and loving than Adam does.

I'll be curious to see if those differences hold true as the babies get older. Still, they are definitely alike in more ways than they're different. They wake up at the exact same time, even if they're in different rooms. They hate all the same foods, and have mastered the art of laughing with their mouths closed (they know that I'm going to shove veggies down their throats the second they open up). They're total chimers: as soon as one starts crying, the other is like, "Oh, yeah! Me too!" and starts crying as well. They love to snatch the binkies out of each other's mouths, which is totally annoying. They seem to have a really strong bond, and I'm pretty sure they are always aware of where the other one is. They're the sweetest little guys ... I'm so glad they came to our family!


Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

I am dying over how cute they are... so precious!

Jennica said...

They are growing up sooooo fast and very adorable too!

The Reeds said...

Too cute.. Hope you are able to get somethings done now, soon they will be walking and trying to help out! :)

Lindsey said...

Wait....Adam and Drew are twins? (Heh heh...der people).

They have the best smiles and the happiest faces! I love that you dress them alike but not exactly alike. I love that their shirts are wet with drool, and I love that I want to grab them and bite their tummies.

They're too cute, Kate!!! Y'all done good.

ottspot said...

Hey I just discovered that at least half the ward has blogs...this is going to allow me to waste time in a whole new manner! My little sisters are twins and the personality differences have held true since they were infants. Hope you are surviving the heat - we're in Connecticut and it is hot and humid here. Blah.

Unknown said...

I was watching identical teenage twin boys walking from church today and thinking about how they would cope being away from each other during their missions. Then I thought, i bet they will like it because they can be an individual instead of a twin. It's hard to remember sometimes that even though they look exactly alike, they are really as different as any other two people. Anyways, as always, your twins are the cutest.

Jess said...

I love the slobber on their shirts - it's so great!

Brandy said...

The boy's are so sweet. Fun looking at your blog, your family is beautiful and were glad to see every one is doing well.

Brandy Konold

Aubri said...

Wow...it must be identical twins who have those crazy twin powers like waking up at the same time. Mine don't. That is very interesting. It seems like when mine were under a year, as soon as I would figure out a difference in their personalities, they would almost immediatly switch on me! Oh the joy of twins!