
That's Cuz They're Identical

There's not enough room in the "Quotes" section of my sidebar for this story, but I had to share. Yesterday Drew was asleep on a Love Sac at my parents' house, and Haley and Carter were climbing all around him. I told them to get away so they wouldn't wake him up, so Haley runs over to Adam (who was awake) and calls, "Carter! There's another baby over here! And it's exactly the same as the other one!"


Aubri said...

I laughed out loud. Kids are the funniest things ever. Go Haley!

Kallie said...

oh that's hilar.... how many times in life can kids actually say that???

Petersons said...

That's too cute. That's one of the reasons you don't want your kids to grow up...they say the funniest things.