
Jumping Jacks and Jackhammers

Remember those jumping jack toys, the ones where you pull a rope coming out of a clown's nether-regions and his arms and legs shoot up? (Come to think of it, I'd do that too if a) I had a rope coming out of my nether-regions, and b) somebody pulled on it.) I digress. Anyway, that's what Adam & Drew remind me of when they do this:

As for jackhammers, the babies have a fun little ball that they love to trap, which constantly fills my home with this sound:

Oh, yeah: A&D are eight months old today!


Jen and Alec said...

I love love love your blog! (and your comment on ours was hilarious). I feel like I know your darling babies even though I have never actually met them. I miss you and your witty mind.

Unknown said...

soooo cute! I can't believe they are already 8 months old!

Jess said...

I love the boys getting so excited. I always think that babies look like they are trying to fly when they do that. :)