
A Story for Your Sunday

When I was a kid, we weren't allowed to watch TV before church on Sundays. Instead, my mom would turn on KSL Radio's "Sounds of the Sabbath" in order to help up prepare to go to church in the right spirit. Now, most of the time, this was a pleasant tradition. Once in a while, however, one little song would completely derail the morning's peaceful mood. I think all you Utah Mormons know which song I'm talking about: it was the dreaded "I'll Build You a Rainbow."

What was wrong with Mormons in the '70's, anyway? It seems that everyone was creating these horrible movies, thinly veiled as gospel principles, but that were actually attempts to see who could make everyone cry the hardest. You've got "Cypher in the Snow", "Norah's Gift", and the granddaddy of them all, "I'll Build You a Rainbow". This particular song was written by a seminary teacher and put to a slide show to teach students about eternal families. Cruel, cruel, cruel.

So, anyway, we'd be sitting there on a pleasant Sunday morning, minding our own business, and "I'll Build You a Rainbow" would come on the radio. We'd all stop what we were doing to look at Mom, waiting for the waterworks to begin. Sure enough, she'd start to cry. Every time. Then my dad would walk by, laughing, and pat her on the shoulder. "Don't worry, Momma," he'd say. "You're not going to die." And then all of us kids would chime in and laugh and point. "Mom's crying again! You're not going to die, Mom!" we'd say. But then as I got older, I began to realize, Holy crap - this song IS depressing! And soon I couldn't laugh and point anymore, because I was crying right along with my mom. We'd sit there and cry through the whole song, me desperately hiding my face lest my brothers catch me sniffling and start laughing and pointing at me, too. Finally, I started just turning off the radio whenever the song came on to save us all the misery.

Years later, and I don't remember the circumstance, but something terribly sappy must have been going on, because I began singing "I'll Build You a Rainbow ..." and found out that Chris, not being a Utah Mormon, had never even heard that darn, corny song. I was astounded. I tried to explain it to him, but, much like pregnancy, you just have to experience it for yourself before you can truly comprehend how horrible it really is. So, I began a quest to track down "I'll Build You a Rainbow" to show to my husband. And years later (OK - I wasn't looking that hard), I finally found it. So, for all of you who haven't partaken of the misery (and for all you masochists out there): grab a hanky. Without further ado, I give you the hilariously depressing "I'll Build You a Rainbow." (Click here to view.)


Grandma Pat said...

It made me cry too. Thanks for posting it so another non-Utah Mormon could see it.

What other videos and songs did we miss out on?

Love, Pat

The Edwards Family said...

Yep, Alaska never played that video in church, maybe in seminary but I moved by the time I was old enough for that.

Kate said...

Hi Pat - Chris wants to know if you'll build him a rainbow. :)

Lindsey said...

Wow. It's been ages. That reminds me of all the other videos we used to watch in Seminary, like "Out of the mouth of babes" (or whatever it's called). I actually kinda liked those videos. But "not in a sissy way". :)

Lindsay K. said...

Where have I been? I grew up here and have never heard this song. Why do people have to make these sad soungs?

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

we totally did the sounds of the sabbath sunday too. haha/ memories.

Wendy said...

That is such a depressing song. I have heard that song, and I wasn't even a Utah mormon.

Unknown said...

haha. I remember that song and watching that video/slide show in Seminary. It doesn't hit home until you're a parent yourself. Then the waterworks begin...

Jess said...

Maybe I had a guilty conscience, but I always hated those shows that to me were basically saying, "If you're not nice to everyone, or if you don't go visit old people, or if you make fun of someone... something HORRIBLE happens and everyone dies." Seriously! Wasn't there some show called The Mailbox where all of the kids forget their mother/grandma and she dies? Maybe my memories are tainted with guilt and annoyance. :)

Kate said...

Oh yes - "The Mailbox". How could I forget THAT one?!??

Jen and Alec said...

Thanks a lot! Now my eyes hurt. I never heard this song either! I do, however, remember the Mailbox and the phone call.