
Boats and More Boats

Chris and his dad took Haley, Carter, and Mari on a canoe ride this weekend. When I tried to explain canoes to Haley - "It's not fast like Grandpa B.'s boat; it's slow and you get to relax and look at the pretty trees," - her response was, "That sounds boring." Silly me - I forgot that her personality is more like Chris' than mine! But I think feeding the ducks changed her mind - the kids all had a great time. That evening Chris, Haley and Carter went out on Grandpa's boat with Cam, Sarah, Lindsay B., Matt and Lindsay K. I can't wait for the twins to get a little bigger so we can all do fun stuff together!

1 comment:

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

how cute, and boy will you have your hands full when you can out all 4 of yours on a boat.