
Here's to the Next 100

It was in the handbag section at Macy's today that I heard, "You've got your hands full!" for the one hundredth time. If I'd had my camera with me, I would have taken a picture of the cute British gal who then proceeded to chat me up about how she's taking her two kids on a plane to England by herself on Saturday, and wondered where she could get a kiddie-leash like the one to which Carter was tethered. If I had taken her picture, I could have posted her face on this blog, like, Congratulations! You're my 100th Stater-of-the-Obvious!

When I first started venturing out on my own with four kids in tow, I thought that I would quickly tire of the endless stream of strangers who wanted to stop and observe on my brood. I mean, my count of 100 doesn't even include all of the You must be busy!s and Do you get any sleep?s and - my favorite - Are they twins?s. Throw all of those into the pot, and I'm easily over 300. So, yes, in the beginning I thought that it would surely get old.

But here I am, however many hundreds of small-talks later, and I'm finding that I often appreciate these people. I'm amazed that there are that many people out there who are friendly enough to stop and chat with a complete stranger, who are interested enough to ask, who are kind enough to offer compliments and support. What kind of place would this be if we were all as aware of those around us?

So, I'm going to follow the example of the cute British girl, and all the others, and make an effort to be aware of others along my way. I've found that the people that I've met in the last nine months have made me smile more often than they've inconvenienced me. And isn't making others smile the whole point?


Lindsey said...

I think that is a great example of how to be, Kate. I know that I've often been a "Stater-of-the-Obvious" to people around me but it's just like you said; I see people and usually they are very cute and pleasant and so I just want to be nice. Plus, that is so cool that a British girl was your 100th! I love the Brits!

But can you humor me and tell me how you do it at the grocery store??? Do you push a cart and then does Haley push a stroller? I am just trying to envision all this... :) And I always keep Deacon leashed, I mean really, how else are you supposed to do it?

Kate said...

Linz - We're quite a sight at the grocery store. The twins share the child seat in the cart (each with his inside leg out one hole and his outside leg bent). Carter sits in the basket with the food, and Haley walks. I thought about the stroller arrangement, but I didn't want to create even more of a spectacle with a second set of wheels! And I was afraid of all of the things/people that Haley might hit - our stroller is huge.

Jess said...

You're so awesome! I love your attitude - it gives me something to shoot for. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie...it's mom...I am so glad after all these years of you wondering why I talk to strangers you finally get it!!

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

cute post, and cute mom with cutest kids.

Aubri said...

Katie...you are amazing to me. I only have two, and I still try not to go anywhere that I can't keep my kids strapped into a stroller with a baggie of cereal to keep them occupied. Costco is my (and my kids!!) favorite place because I can fit them both in the front of the cart...whew! Did you ever think that you would have to get so creative? Good for YOU!!

Jen and Alec said...

Man, I can see why you were published. What a great post! And what a great way to look at it. You are supermom, that is for darn sure.

Lisa T. said...

I admire you and your positive happy attitude. Your kids are lucky to have such a great woman for their mother. I could not believe it the first time I saw you out and about with 4 kids! You were Christmas shopping at Old Navy, and the twins couldn't have been more than a few weeks old! I'll take pride in knowing that I was probably one of the first staters of the obvious that day.

TheGefrom5 said...

I love it, Katie. Although the comments might sometimes come at the most inopportune moments, I think its great that you summed it up so well, and positively. Sometimes I just want to shoot those people that can obviuosly see that I am in the middle of some power-struggle or WWIII. YOu're amazing, there's a reason YOU were blessed with twins!:) Heather