
I'm It

Aubri tagged me ... I'm finding that I kind of like to be tagged. It forces me to get to know myself a little better!
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The Rules: List three joys, three fears, three current obsessions/collections, and three surprising facts, and then tag five other people. Leave a comment for the people you tag so that they realize they have been tagged.

Three Joys:
1. I love driving on summer nights with the windows rolled down. When I think of "home", I think of the way Utah smells on these warm summer nights.
2. I love getting my babies up from their nap. Opening the door and seeing two bodies start flapping like fish out of water just because they're so excited to see me, is really fun. I laugh every time.
3. I love going on dates with Chris. Knowing that we still have so much fun together after all these years makes me really happy.

Three Fears:
1. I fear that I will never learn patience. Impatience with everything is probably my biggest character flaw, and though I try, I don't know if I'll ever overcome it.
2. I fear wasting time. I go crazy when I look back over the past several minutes or hours and realize that that time could have been better spent doing something else.
3. I fear that I will leave this world without having made some kind of contribution. I know that being a good mother might be all that is asked of me, but I still want to leave a mark of my own.

Three Obsessions:
1. I am obsessed with cakes. There's just something about the science of putting together the right ingredients to make it delicious, combined with the artistic expression involved in making it look pretty ... I'm really thinking that I'm going to have to go to culinary school and become a pastry chef.
2. I'm obsessed with textures. I'll eat something totally bland and love it as long as it has an interesting texture (that's why I like oatmeal so much). I also love soft hair, sand on my feet, crisp bed sheets, smooth baby skin ...
3. I'm obsessed with the future. So much of the space in my head is filled with plans and hopes for the future ... I probably need to learn how to enjoy the present a little more than I do.

Three Surprising Facts:
1. While doing some research on handedness this week (on Carter's behalf), I learned that there is a name for my own handedness quirk. I am what's called "cross-lateral": left-handed but right-footed.
2. I spent my entire childhood wishing that I was a boy. I still think that my personality is more "guy" than "girl"; not being to hang out with the guys anymore was probably the only hard part about getting married. Suddenly there were new boundaries that I couldn't cross.
3. I love to vacuum. There's something very satisfying about hearing all of the little crumbs and particles clattering on their way up the vacuum tube.

I Tag:
Roberta, Tessa, Brittany, Jessica, Kami, Erin, and Mandi. (I know that's more than five.) Let's hear it for the Second Ward!


Kallie said...

how do you know which foot you are? which one you put into your pants first? 'cause i think i might be left-footed, so would that make me the same as you, but opposite??

romanrobertaloftus said...

Oh no...

Lindsey said...

Maybe with your "obsessions" you could combine two of them into one. Say you go to culinary school to be a pastry chef then you could use your writing talents to write a cook book!

That was a fun "tag" to read!! But seriously, isn't patience the hardest thing to learn? I think I'm too impatient to even learn it. In fact, I'm losing patience with this comment. I'm out.