
Nine Months

Happy 3/4 birthday, guys!


romanrobertaloftus said...

Cute pictures!!! They are getting so big! Congratulations!

Lindsey said...

Oh, Katie. I have no words. THEY ARE SO CUTE!!! When I pulled up your blog I seriously let out a hearty laugh because they are so cute.

So.....nine months IN and now nine months OUT! Well done boys!

Sarah and Cam said...

Katie those pictures are so cute!! They are such happy boys!! I hope mine and cam's kids are as cute as yours :)

The Reeds said...

Those are some handsome boys you have! I love the pictures. They are growing up so fast!!

Thanks for sharing.

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

Love those smiles, they seem so happy!!

ottspot said...

How do you get them both smiling so adorably at the same time?!

Lindsay K. said...

They are so cute! I can never get my girls to smile for the camera like that. Good Job!!

Aubri said...

Cute Cute Cute! I seriously have to applaud you (or maybe the photographer) for getting them both smiling at the same time! That is HARD! I can't believe they're so big!