
Our Week

Who knew that sending one child to school all day would quadruple my busy-ness level? I thought that having one less kid around would slow things down ... I guess I just didn't appreciate how big a helper Haley is. Anyhoo ... all I have to offer right now is a few random shots from this past week.

Best buddies: I did not pose this shot. Adam and Drew are best little buddies; they follow each other around all day, making messes and getting into mischief. I love watching them play together!My three sons: All lined up, waiting for big sis to come home from school. Sweet little Carter has made the transition from baby to middle child remarkably well - we're so blessed to have such a precious little guy in our family!"Pint-Sized Powerhouse": That's the nickname Chris gave to Haley during her first game of fall soccer. She is at least an entire head shorter than all of her teammates (except one) but she is easily one of the best players. After the game her coach said, "I can't believe that she's only in first grade! That girl is going to be a AAA player someday." Way to go, Hales!


Jennica said...

Your little kiddos are all so cute...how could they not be with the parents they have!?!

Unknown said...

I remember losing Ben to his full day kindergarten. Rachel missed him desperately and so did I. This year I haven't even noticed. . . oh yea, that's because Nate is home with my girls. Anyway, I hear ya. Those are cute boys you have though. Hope all is well!

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

your twins are so cute, i am just loving that pics of them together!!

Alisha said...

Go Haley! I love the picture with all three boys waiting for their big sister. How priceless!

Come run the Top of Utah 1/2 next year, I hear its one of the best. How are the push-ups going?

Lindsay K. said...

Way to go Haley! She looks so cute in her soccer uniform. The three boys are little cuties too!!

romanrobertaloftus said...

First of all, I have to say that I agree with Carter... You can't be happy when someone else is crying. He's so funny!! I love his little quotes.
Second, your boys look so cute together...
Third, we're big fans of Haley, we know she'll do really well on anything she wants to do! Way to go Haley!

The Reeds said...

Love the pictures.

Way to go Haley!
Scott would love for all of our kids to love/play soccer..

Hope all is going well!

Jen and Alec said...

I love your blog. You always have great pics and the quotes are always hilarious. We miss you guys.

Lindsey said...

Oh, those boys are so cute!! I want to see them so bad! It's good that Carter is such a good big brother. Deacon is most of the time but lately he has become quite the teaser and it breaks my heart!

I am so excited for Haley! Remember she IS the "third or fourth bestest player in the world". I clearly remember the video you posted of her last season and how much I loved it! Keep it up Haley! David Beckham and Cristiano Ronaldo have nothing on you!!!

Jacque said...

CUUUUUTE! You have the cutest kids. Man, I am sure those twins are a handful. Seeing as how they are the same age as Charlotte, I know for a fact that you must be exhausted from playing keep-up!