
Party Like It's My Berfday

So ... you know you're really, truly old when your parents spend the entire day muttering, "I can't believe that I have a daughter who's 32." 32 does sound old, doesn't it? It doesn't feel any different than 31 did, but it sure sounds different.

Aside from becoming old, I had a great birthday. In fact, you could say that I had a birthday weekend extravaganza. On Saturday my parents and sister were kind enough to watch the gremlins so Chris and I could go out to lunch and play a round of putt-putt, which Chris did not let me win despite it being my quasi-birthday celebration. (He only beat me by two strokes, though.)

Yesterday was the official "Birthday Dinner" at my parents' home, punctuated by some awesome presents and cards, and this beautiful and scrumptious pumpkin cheesecake, compliments of the fabulous Kallie.
Today we took the kids to Tucanos, as has become our birthday lunch tradition. Carter refused to eat anything but a banana and the twins decorated the surrounding floor with a peppering of Cheerios, but I was still thrilled just to escape without getting a lap full of ice water like the last time we all went out to eat! This evening we enjoyed another delicious cake and I opened more gifts and lovely cards from my sweet little family. Thanks to everyone who has sent birthday wishes my way, and to my family for giving me such a great celebration!


Unknown said...

I just want you to know that I was going to call you today and that I was thinking about you. . . now, it looks like I only remembered your birthday because you blogged about it . Dang. Happy Birthday you 32 year old. Man, your ancient.

Lindsey said...

Did you even get Pretty Ponies for your birthday? You lucky duck!!

So glad that you had a great weekend! That's what makes it so hard being the oldest in the family...they REMIND you how old you are because they can't BELIEVE how old you are....nice.

Petersons said...

I'm a bad friend and missed your birthday! Sounds like it was great! I'm just happy you will always be older than me...:))) Hee hee...but i'm not far behind :((( No!!

romanrobertaloftus said...

It's okay to be 32 when you look like you're 25... You look great!! When my mom saw you for the first time she said: "She is so beautiful!!". I'm not trying to be nice, it's true! In Brasil we probably would have to be careful with you. "Where is Katie? Oh no... kidnapped again..." I hope you had a great birthday!

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

Happy Birthday Girl! YOu dont look a day over 25!!

ottspot said...

Oh no...what happened to yesterday? Facebook so kindly reminded me that your birthday was coming and then I forgot. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

The Reeds said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! Glad that you were able to enjoy your b-day over several days.

Too bad you can't sent a piece of that cheesecake our way. Looks so yummy!!

Anna said...

happy birthday! i totally hear ya - birthdays are starting to not be so fun anymore!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday again! You're still a youngen. I'm almost 36!! How depressing. Sounds like you had a fun day!

ottspot said...

Ok I have a new obsession...all the blogs you like that you have linked. So many pretty things...love them!