
Mama I'm Coming Home

My sister Lindsay and I went to PG's homecoming game this evening. Can you believe that it's been 15 years since my last PG football game? (That was when we won the state championship game at the last minute during my senior year ... best game ever.) PG has another awesome team this year, and tonight they beat Timpanogos 27-7.

Being at the high school again caused me to reflect back on some of my favorite high school memories, like ...

- Sitting in Steph's hottub and talking about boys all night long
- Donught runs
- Singing "Oh hell, we go to PG High ..." during the fight song
- The horrible early '90s fashions ... remember when we were all wearing baseball jerseys?
- Watching The Price is Right during the class break between Chamber Choir and A Cappella Choir
- Getting in a raw egg fight at the A Cappella end-of-the-year breakfast
- Making snow angels behind the annex during lunch
- After-school play rehearsals
- Cruisin' State in Steph's massive maroon van
- Rambo-ing
- "You're not my father!"
- Steph finding true love over mounds of pizza dough at Little Caesar's
- Green Beech-nuts
- Old Mrs. Craner and her boy-hating Super Soaker
- Hearing Buffalo Soldier, Shiny Happy People and Personal Jesus at every single dance
- CTRs
- Hiking Bridal Veil Falls for Morp '93
- Rushing home to watch SNL and then talking about it all morning on Monday
- Skipping classes on Fridays and making cookies at Lindsey's house
- Skipping classes and going to the mall
- Skipping classes and hanging out in the choir room with Mr. Tucker
(OK, I skipped a lot of classes ... especially after I'd been accepted to BYU, because what was the point in going anymore?)
- Stag dances in the quad
- Going stalking
- The funeral service for my dead egg baby
- Choir tours
- Being jealous of Amber during Oklahoma! because I got stuck kissing gross Ryan (that sucked)
- Watching The Simpsons and having snowball fights during AP Music (that class was so disappointing)
- Slow-dancing to Forever Young
- Two rolls and a chocolate cookie for lunch
- Marrying Ben Olson in my Adult Roles class because Lindsey made me, and then being too intimidated to say one word to him
- K-Pigger!

Man, that was a long time ago! I know that I've forgotten a million things. But high school was a blast - I'll always love PG. Go Vikings!


Lindsey said...

Oh my word. AWESOME! Here is my rebuttal.

*Cookies - One specific time stands out of when we made cookies and it was really sad....do you remember?

*Egg Baby - While holding the Egg, and tripping over a speed bump on The Drag therefore dropping said Egg Baby, I was the guilty party in it's untimely death. We spoke with the teacher and explained the situation and she said to write a report on SPINABIFIDA and you wouldn't get an F.

*Oklahoma - Being Assistant Director I had the unfortunate direction from Mr. Osborne to make sure you lead couples kissed during rehearsals. If it were up to me, I would have re-wrote the script so there was no kissing for you Katie, but really! Laurie loved her man!

*Ben Olson - Ohhhhh. Oh, oh, oh. My first love.

So many more, but I'll save that for my own blog. P.S. You look hot, Kate. Seriously.

Lindsey said...

Oh, and lets be serious...those rolls were DEE-LISH.

Petersons said...

That was a great post. You're funny! I've been noticing on the news that PG has a great team this year! Yay hoo!
Um, Sorry about kissing Ryan (but I which Ryan was it? Refresh my memory? Last name? That play brings back good memories. Honestly kissing Greg T. was a little akward, epecially having a boyfriend and in HS, that made things weird. I just remember Greg having smooshy marshmellow lips :) Funny huh?
Ben Olson? I always thought he was hot. Lucky duck! They always would marry me and Ben. Dumb! We already felt married :(
Did you see anyone we knew at the game?

Kate said...
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Kate said...

Lindsey - Your reply made me laugh out loud. Don't worry, I've long since forgiven you for killing my baby. I never did write that report - the teacher totally forgot about it. :) I do seem to recall something tragic happening with cookies, but I can't remember what! Seriously - email me your phone number so I can just call you when we need to discuss blog posts!

Amber - his last name starts with an "E". I did put his whole name in the post, but then I though, "What if he Googles his name and Pleasant Grove? Then he would probably find this post and I would feel bad for calling him gross. Even though he was.

I didn't see anyone at the game - very disappointing! I'm pretty sure that I was the oldest person there who didn't have a kid playing on the team. But it was fun. I want to start going every year.


HeatherK said...

that was so fun to read Katie.. All I can say is where has the time gone? It's my 15th year from high school too.. I still can't believe it's been that long. I loved your year book shots a few post back so hilarious!!!!

Unknown said...

Reading that post makes me remember how I just dropped off into oblivion senior year. I was caught up in some sorted love affair with some weird guy. Anyways, wish I had been around for more of those fun things. I was obsessed.

Unknown said...

Reading that post makes me remember how I just dropped off into oblivion senior year. I was caught up in some sorted love affair with some weird guy. Anyways, wish I had been around for more of those fun things. I was obsessed.