

Does anyone have a nice padded room where I can hide? I'm teetering ridiculously close to the edge of the deep end ... I need to hide out for a few days so I don't actually fall in! (In fact, I probably shouldn't be allowed to blog in my current state.) Both of my babies have had diarrhea for a week - odorless diarrhea, which means that I don't smell it and don't know it's there until the babies are screaming with the agony of searing diaper rashes that are getting worse and worse. And to make things really interesting, the crappy Sam's Club diapers that I buy are apparently not made to hold more than a teaspoon of liquid, let alone the volume of what my kids are doing, so every diaper is a blowout. I have been changing blown-out, diaper-rash-burned, screaming-and-writhing babies about once an hour for a week now.

So let me apologize to everyone who has crossed my path in the last couple of days: I know that I probably made no sense when I talked to you. Just smile and nod, and know that I have no idea what I'm talking about, either. This too shall pass.


Lindsey said...

Oh, Kate. I'm so sorry. If it makes you feel any better I had the worst day with Deacon today too! I know that I spent a good part of the day in tears and wanting to run away.

Your poor babies. Do you know what's causing thier upset tummies?? Oh, I hope they start feeling better soon.

Oh and did you mean the pun when you said "the crappy Sam's Club diapers"? Get it? Crappy diapers? Oh, I'll stop now...

Kate said...

Hey, Linz - I have no idea why they're sick. I haven't called the doctor because they have no other symptoms ... they're totally fine other than this. Chris suggested that I set a timer and just check their diapers every so often, so I'll probably try that today.

No, I didn't mean the pun, but I did catch it when I read the post through before publishing. I wish I could take credit ...

Good luck with Deacon today! It's a new day for us all, right?

Anonymous said...

I too was going to comment on your pun- at least your English brain is still kickin'.

ottspot said...

Oh the joys! It has been one of those weeks at our house too. You know how it is when husband calls and says he is going to be 1/2 hour late and you think it is the end of the world because you are going to implode? Yup, one of those weeks. I swear it is related to the phase of the moon or something because it seems to hit all the kids at the same time!

Amy said...

hey Katie,
Sounds like your life is stinky! Yes, I meant the pun. I can only imagine. I had that happen with Corey a while ago and he was going through like 8-10 diapers a day, double that and I would go insane. Just make sure they don't get dehydrated - (Corey had a well check after his ended and lost 1 pound) other than that all you can do is wait. The good news, once the bug is over, you will probably have a break from poopy diapers for a couple of days. I love your new blog background!

We can do hard things! said...

Aww man, I am so glad that I am not the only one requesting a padded cell! It would sure make for a nice quiet nap!! I am feeling the same way about school...I am busier than I thought I would be. My two helpers are gone all day. I find myself asking Jessee to get herself a bottle and change her own diaper :) Cuz, ya know, the big kids were such good helpers...oh never mind! It's late. I'm done!

Jess said...

Katie - I'm so sorry things have been so stressful. Is it going around? (The stress, not the poop.)I haven't been on the computer because my brain has been dead. Let's get together soon, okay?