Carter has been so anxious to go to school ever since Haley started two weeks ago, and today was finally his big day. He goes to Mrs. Stephanie's preschool just down the street. Mari and Caleb are in his class, which is fun but could be trouble - Carter and Caleb are totally crazy when they get together.
Before school ... can you see Carter's fat lip? He fell last night and bit all the way through. :(

Wow. Carter looks so much like you in that first picture. He is seriously so handsome and I love his shirt!
I'm glad that he had a good first day and hopefully those little 3 Musketeers won't cause too much troubles for Mrs Stephanie.
What a handsome guy! I can't believe how grown up he looks!Preschool is great! The time away from them, but not too much time! And with out all the worry of the big world. I love preschool.
p.s. I LOVE your new background, soooo cute!! :)
So cute! I just put Cooper up at Learning Dynamics in Orem. I completely forgot about Stephanie's preschool. That would have been so convenient, and cheaper I'm sure, to just walk him down the street instead of driving all over town. Dang it. I will have to switch schools next year! Cooper loves playing with Carter and Caleb in nursery too.
Carter looks so cute. I didn't get a chance to see you guys yesterday. Mari thinks she is so grown up now that she has started school.
yeah Carter!!! He is so cute! I love your page Katie!!!
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