
Not So Much

This had the makings of a pretty sweet week for Haley. Her teacher chose her to be the "King of the Classroom" on Wednesday with this note:

Haley is an outstanding student. She obeys all rules and is an example to everyone.

Haley was so excited on Tuesday when she found out, but when I asked her Wednesday afternoon if it had been awesome, she said "It actually wasn't that cool." She got to wear a sparkly crown all day and choose a stuffed lion to snuggle with during story time (huh?), but that was it. We were thinking that she'd get to make decisions, or send kids to the dungeon, or do anything more kingly than just wear a crown and hold a stuffed lion! Not so.

Haley was also chosen to be a Spotlight Student on Thursday, which meant that she got to eat lunch with the principal. I thought that this would be a pretty cool honor ... I had visions of a one-on-one lunch, Haley and her principal discussing ways he could improve the school ... Well, it turns out that a lot of kids are "the" Spotlight Student each week, and all the principal asked them during the lunch was who their teachers are. Talk about a letdown! Oh well. Seriously, what was I thinking with my high expectations for my child's education? This is Utah, after all.


Petersons said...

Yep I agree! Avery comes home with colored letters and she says they talk about different things that start w/ that letter...WOW, that's tough. She's used to disecting sentences using nouns, verbs and adjectives!
Her spelling list for the week consists of words like: a, the, I, my, to. THAT'S IT!! Her spelling words at Montessori were like: bountiful, yesterday, polite, etc. I'm a little worried.

Lindsey said...

Yeah, once when I was a senior in High School I won a pretty cool award and someone told me that I would win $100 scholarship.

"Well, the government must keep that because I ain't never seen a nickel of that." -Forrest Gump

You got that right Forrest. I never saw a nickel of that $100.

TheGefrom5 said...

I'm sorry to hear the eductaion in Utah is so poor. Maybe that will entice you all to move to california!!! ;) My kinder is learning how to do artistic murals on the classroom wall ("b-l-a-k-e-" in red crayon) and solve complex social situations (Cove likes Blake, but Blake likes a 4th grader named Remmington, who he shows off for by rough housing with his friend Tony, who calls him "bro.") Yea, very proud of the advanced curriculum in Cali. Join us??? :)

Brittany & Barry said...

Bummer on both accounts. C'mon teachers!